A brand new Masterclass

from me to you

A mastermind/masterclass about Fine art portraits

To inspire and to push you into a mindset

to bring your creative side alive and also how to make money doing what you love.

If you ever felt the need to grow as a photographer and to be unique enough to have people choose YOU. Do you want to move into the world of Fine Art portraits AND make a living from it .. well then this is for you!!

Masterclass Fine Art portraits

Växjö, Sweden

19-20 october 2023

Can you see yourself as a photographic artist?

First time somebody called me an artist I got embarrassed, but now I know that I am.

I create Fine ART portraits for everyday people.. for a living.

Do you want to either start doing that or just get better at it?

Let me help you.

So who am I? Who is Martina Warenfeldt and what can she help you with?

Well I have been a photographer for ages (well at least 26yrs). I am also multiple award winning photographer, an educator, a mom of two and a cat owner…

And well I have also, sustained in business and developed a business around Fine Art portraits that I would love to share with you.

It has not always been a smooth ride and I have had to fight through both my own insecurities, changing market and weak finances. Learning new skills and finding my unique voice has really helped me.

I do not know everything. Far from it.

But I know a whole bunch of stuff, and I want to help, to inspire YOU to grow and find your super power.

If I can do it, so can you.

We´ll have two wonderful days together learning and having a great time, just hanging out too.

Can´t wait to see you there!

I have a special offer for you since this is the first time trying out this new format of workshop/Masterclass AND we will be filming some content the first day.

The second day is a bonus day, you do get for FREE if you sign up for this class and agree to be joining us on camera the same time you are learning. Read more down below here.

The amazing stuff we´ ll cover in this Masterclass:


* Martinas process to fine art portraits

INSPIRATION, styling, etc

*A guide to a few basic lighting set ups

*3 different shoots with models

(yes you get to shoot too!!)

Lunch is included

*A talk about mindset, fears and self value

*Business, marketing and AI

*Editing – Martina style

Lunch is included


Thursday 19th

Meet up in the studio for a coffee and a
presentation of the Fine Art process.

Model shoot 1 - the quirky portrait


Model shoot 2 - the fine art client

Model shoot 3 - Client with child

Coffe/snack break - shooting bays

Q and A (time to pick my brain)

9:00 am

10:45 – 12:15


12:15 - 1.15pm

1:30 - 2:30pm

2:30 - 3:30pm

3:45 - 4:45pm

5:30 - 5:45pm


9:30am – 11:00

Business, mindset

Editing Fine Art - From Raw to finished



11:00 – 1:00pm

1:00 – 2:00pm


Cost of this 2 day masterclass: 900 EURO excl VAT

Travels and accommodations not included.

Limited spots available. We want to make sure you have plenty of time with models and to shoot for yourself.


Terms and conditions

very important to read it all

Payment of the Masterclass/Workshop will confirm your spot.

More information about how to get to the location and recommendations on accommodations will be sent to you after your payment has gone through.

You as a participant are responsible for your own insurance costs.

Travel costs and accommodations are not included in the fee.

The workshop is non-refundable but if you sadly need to cancel, you may sell your seat to somebody else.

You need to let us know if your seat has been sold. Also, if you need help selling that seat through our channels we will gladly help you for a fee of 150 USD (not guaranteed a sale though)

If disaster hits and the class is canceled, we will let you know as soon as possible and you will be fully refunded. That is the Fee we will refund, unfortunately we can not refund any travel or lodging costs.

Images obtained from the class are only for you learning and developing new skills. You may post images from the class on social media but when doing so you need to give credit to the instructor and clearly state image is created during a workshop.

(example: Image created during Martina Warenfeldt Fine Art Masterclass).

Images from the class are not permitted to be used for commercial purposes, submitted to competitions, magazines, or for advertisements.

You can however, use images you have created and edited yourself for your portfolio/website.

By signing up for this workshop/Master class You agree solemnly that the knowledge you learn from this workshop is strictly for personal use.

When signing up for this master class / workshop Participants agree to withhold from teaching as a mentor or instructor in photography (online or in person) for two years.

There is a 2-year non-compete contract to be signed.

As well when attending, you understand that all information and knowledge you´ll receive at the workshop may not be copied, shared, sold in part or in whole. It is confidential information and the exclusive property of Martina Warenfeldt Fine Art Portraits.

This includes, but is not limited to screenshots, video recordings, and copying of any written material.

“Martina Warenfeldt Fine Art Portraits” is not responsible for any personal property damage or personal injury during the workshop.

Any violation of these Terms and Conditions may be subject to legal liability.

Got it? Ok great.. let´s have some creative fun together!

SIGN UP or ask more

Hey. I´m so happy you are interested in the workshop.
IF you want to grab the few spots available:
In the message here I want you to write your full name and physical adress. AND if you want the company name on the invoice. An invoice will be sent by paypal to reserve your seat. :)

OR.. if you want to ask me something.. well just go ahead then :-)

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